Tuesday, December 1, 2015

                              US Air Force pilots taking speed?


The US Air Force is giving are pilots speed to keep them awake and more alert? i understand at war we must do things we wouldn't normally do but giving are soldiers hard drugs that are highly addictive and have horrible side effects that may be where i draw the line. These pills have been used for many years to help with fatigue and in some cases save the lives of pilots who haven't slept in a few days and need to keep there edge while there flying but are there any risks? 2 US fighter pilots are being court marshaled for a friendly fire incident where 4 Canadian's lost there lives and 8 wounded but can we honestly blame these pilots who both had outstanding records or do we blame these Go Pills that will keep these men awake for days at a time. think about it not sleeping for a couple days then taking speed doesn't sound like something you want flying an f-16 with laser guided missiles, one pilot said Go Pills are a necessity when your flying and some men become addicted to them and must always have them on him, is are military forcing are pilots to become amphetamine addicted just so that they can stay awake longer. The real question is do you think that a person who hasn't slept and is on a very strong drug can make the best decision i mean if a cop catches a civilian while driving a car on speed there going to jail but are military is fine with giving it to men who have to drop bombs  and fight in arial combat, i think those soldiers shouldn't be charged its the Air Force who should be to blame.

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