Saturday, October 17, 2015

                                             10,000 soldiers staying in Afghanistan?!

This is getting ridiculous its the year 2015 and the war started in 2001 and Obama still want to keep 10,000 troops in Afghanistan till the end of 2016!, why you ask? He believes that if we don't keep US  troops in Afghanistan that the Taliban will take over once again. I completely disagree with this but CNN Peter Bergen finds it to be the perfect answer he says "the decision announced Thursday to keep some 10,000 troops there until the end of 2016 is exactly the right one. The Obama administration then plans to drop that number to 5,500 by early 2017 as it leaves office." I don't understand how keeping these troops overseas is even a question, haven't we trained and supported there military with are money do we really need to sacrifice more american lives. i understand that there leaders want us to keep a sizable amount of troops in there country and why wouldn't they its not there money or there men that are dying there basically getting a protector(US) from the bully(taliban) on the play playground. The question i ask is what is going to happen once the US finally pulls out or can't afford to spend billions of dollars to keep them safe, to me its almost pointless to keep spending are resources that we don't have that is obvious by are trillions in debt on a country that should be supporting itself after over a decade of holding it's hand.

Friday, October 2, 2015

                             GUN FREE ZONES IN SCHOOLS?

I 100% agree with William A. Jacobson when it comes to this issue of having no armed officers on college campuses. The reality is there is if you think that having a gun free campus is somehow going to keep your students safe then you are sadly mistaken because if a person is looking to kill numerous amounts of people he most likely will go to a school that he knows is a "gun free zone" which is basically a huge sign that says hey if you have a gun theres nothing we can do until police arrive which the average 911 response time is between 9-12 minutes so if the intruder has an AR-15 which fires 800rds per minutes were looking at between 7200 to 9600 rounds fired before police arrive. I understand you can't carry around 10000 rounds but you get my point. The interesting point is why don't we want security guards to carry firearms on school grounds? people say they find the sight of guns to make them feel uneasy, how does seeing a trained man or women who is carrying a gun for your protection make you feel uneasy? in my opinion i would much rather see a cop or security guard with a gun than a person with ill will towards anyone who comes in there line of fire, just yesterday morning an armed gunman went on a shooting rampage at a "gun free zone" in oregon at the local community college, are we starting to see a pattern of where armed gunman go? hmmm...let me guess gun free schools! people like to emphasize that if they don't use or own guns that every criminal who owns a gun will just let them be. Today people like to use the phrase "guns kill people" but in reality people kill people do you think that during the roman empire people didn't get murdered or hurt because there was no guns? no they used these things called swords and spear and the occasional bow but my point is that you can't expect to get rid of crime in america by taking away guns because no matter what humans will always find ways to fight and kill each other its been going on for millions of years and banning guns isn't going to change a thing.